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发现F&M Savings Bank embarked on a transformative journey with RSM as their first-choice advisor. The bank embraced cutting-edge technology solutions that improved the client experience, 提高了员工满意度,提高了整个组织的效率.

银行不仅适应了他们的环境. They listened to their clients and turned that feedback into a new vision for the future.

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农民 & 招商储蓄银行&1925年在爱荷华州成立. The bank operates in seven locations across Iowa and Minnesota, employing about 100 people.

纳特·邓恩,F&M .表示,该银行在其历史上一直享有稳定的增长. 邓恩说,尽管F&M’s success, however, the bank was not as technologically advanced as they could be.

他说:“我们一直处于技术的前沿。. “但如果我们要继续增长并扩大我们的vwin娱乐场官方领域, 我们需要技术来做到这一点.”

So the bank turned to RSM US LLP to integrate new systems and technologies that would drive efficiency and elevate the overall client experience.

邓恩从一开始就这么说, RSM表现出对银行目标的敏锐理解, 提供包含技术的深远解决方案, 战略与文化. He says RSM’s proactive communication style was a key reason why the bank decided to work with the firm.

“Having that one-on-one access with the decision makers at RSM was a big deciding factor,邓恩说. “我们的选择不仅仅是基于价格. 更多的是‘谁将是最适合我们的长期人选’? 谁会有团队合作的方式?“沟通真的非常非常关键.”


Lisa McQuillen是F&M, says RSM strove to understand the bank and how it operated differently than other financial institutions.

“在早期, RSM sat down with about 30 of our team members to learn what they do on a daily basis,她说。. “只要面对面,你就能建立起一种关系. RSM花了很多时间倾听和提问.”

McQuillen说,RSM评估了银行的流程和程序,这有助于F&M评估产品, 需要升级以改善客户体验的服务和系统. The analysis revealed that the bank’s outdated technology was having a negative impact on the team members’ efficiency. 此外,F&M’s clients were looking for a more modernized banking experience than they were currently receiving.

In addition to updating the bank’s systems, one of RSM’s top goals was to help F&M develop consistent processes throughout the organization; each branch had different procedures, 而且,这些个人主义的怪癖中有许多是低效的.


As part of the technology overhaul, RSM set the bank up with the firm’s FIT-as-a-Service platform. Providing FIT (financial institution technology) as a service meant that the bank received managed IT services, 云环境维护, 法规遵从性、监督等, 一体包装. RSM成为了银行的外包IT提供商, 提供一个虚拟的首席信息官和支持F&M的内部网络基础设施. 这允许F&M to focus on their core business rather than allocating internal resources to handle IT issues.

黛布·沃姆,F&M, says RSM helped the bank’s team members understand how technology can improve the customer experience.

“直到RSM带我经历了一些事情, 我不明白科技扮演着多么复杂的角色,虫子说. “Better tech not only helps us operationally, but it helps us to truly serve our clients better.”


邓恩说,RSM工作的全面影响尚未到来. 他说F&M is leveraging the RSM relationship to improve technology and enhance the skill sets of their employees.

“当我们的人训练有素,准备就绪时, we will have the technology and support to make a huge impact and continue to grow the way we have grown over almost 100 years,邓恩说. 

我们的董事会和团队非常感谢与RSM合作, 我们期待着一个长期的, 互利关系. I would highly recommend RSM because of the way we’ve been treated and because of the trajectory that they’ve set us on.
内特•邓恩 总裁兼首席执行官F&M银行

培训的一部分是帮助F&M的员工在他们的角色中vwin娱乐场官方了更多的成就感. 因为RSM处理银行的IT基础设施,F&M employees are never called upon to tackle problems for which they have no training or experience. 这样他们就可以专注于高价值的任务,从而促进他们的职业发展. 这在劳动力vwin娱乐场官方吃紧的情况下至关重要, 哪些院校难以吸引和留住人才. F&M利用了RSM的外包能力, 利用公司处理各种各样的日常事务.

McQuillen agrees that RSM’s efforts have helped the bank establish a foundation for future success. She says RSM has helped the bank’s team members focus on lasting solutions rather than temporary fixes.

“在过去, 我们经常挑选一个想法来解决眼前的问题, 但现在, we are more likely to think strategically and really go through a process to find the best answer,麦奎伦说. “这真的是一段旅程. 随着我们银行的发展, 我们总是要走在客户体验的前面. We will always look for ways to be more efficient and enhance the client experience so we can grow.”


After three years of providing managed IT services, RSM has built strong credibility with the bank. 这一点在世行启动邓恩所称的“远景项目”(Project Vision)时非常重要, a comprehensive initiative aimed at enhancing client experiences and internal operations.

The goal of Project Vision was to bridge gaps in the bank’s technology infrastructure, enabling seamless communication between platforms and optimizing the user experience. 因为他们与RSM技术团队的积极经验, the bank’s leaders turned to the firm’s management consulting team to assist with fulfilling Project Vision.

Worm believes that the bank’s relationship with RSM is productive and built for the long term. She says RSM strives to develop solutions that not only improve a specific function, 但要帮助整个组织.

“Our relationship with RSM works well because they have that experience and knowledge,虫子说. 

我们重视RSM,因为他们会做他们最擅长的事情, and that’s helping us to understand how technology fits into our strategic goals. 这让我们能够做我们最擅长的事情,那就是银行业.
Deb虫, 助理副总裁&M银行

The bank's commitment to technology-driven innovation has not only enhanced their client engagement, 同时也将他们定位为银行业的竞争对手. 邓恩说,F&M的增强和技术先进的服务, 结合强大的团队文化, will help the bank continue their organic growth and further expand in the Midwest. 但邓恩表示,这并不完全是技术的问题.

“我们与RSM的关系在过去三年中蓬勃发展, 沟通也很好,邓恩说. “Behind the scenes is where RSM is really doing a fantastic job of providing us with the support that allows our IT team to work on strategy and execution. 我们的关系建立在良好的沟通基础上,这给我们带来了安慰. 知道RSM团队在背后支持我们,我晚上就能睡得安稳.”
